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We Love You

It's not too late!

You may have agreed with your parents or boyfriend, signed the papers or paid the fee, taken the first abortion pill, be seated in the waiting room or in the stirrups, or be sitting in your car about to go into the clinic BUT IT IS STILL NOT TOO LATE TO CHOOSE LIFE FOR YOUR BABY!  You will never regret choosing life for your baby but if you choose abortion then you will  have to deal with the emotional and physical consequences for the rest of your life.  We are praying for you and only a phone call away, we love you, and want the best for you, and more importantly - God loves you.

God Loves You

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life"  John 3:16

So, what does that mean?  Click the play button to find out!

Billy Graham - The Speech That Broke The Internet - Most Inspiring Ever
Play Video


Are you suffering from a previous abortion or other past mistakes?  There is healing in the Lord and forgiveness in His sacrifice on the cross.  Contact one of the linked crisis pregnancy centers for help.

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